We are proud to say that our products are free from chemical nasties and toxic ingredients!

Manna's Dough's playdough is lovingly crafted with only food-grade ingredients. Buttery soft, non-sticky or oily, our playdough is a sensory delight for kids of all ages!

Our playdough kits are great for ANY occasion – birthdays, playdates, as gifts, or simply for everyday play, because every child deserves the joy of play!

About Us

Let's Learn Through Play!

Don't underestimate the potential of a squishy ball of dough!

Playing with playdough helps children develop cognitively.

It improves their fine motor movements, nurtures curiosity, and fosters the development of math, science, linguistic, and socio-emotional skills.

If you aspire to cultivate imaginative and creative young thinkers, playdough is the ideal choice!

Planning A Party?

We'd love to join in the fun! Let us take the hassle out of party planning for you! Browse our wide range of party gift pack and make your little ones birthdays extra special!
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